Monday, March 4, 2019

5 Years Later...

We are officially in the pure depths of a relapse.  I cannot provide details as there is someone who now has access to our journey that has made it clear that Bren's best interest and safety are not a priority.  Relationships bring about an entirely new sea of storms to navigate!

The last month has been a full-blown relapse that, looking back, I saw coming but didn't recognize the warning signs until it was too late.  We got too comfortable.  We forgot that an OCD brain is always there...and WILL go to war at any time, even after lying dormant for 5 years.  Once again we are in the fight of our lives.  Only this time our 21 year old young woman understands it all and feels the pain more acutely, as the consequences of missing out on life as an adult are far greater.

Pray for us.  Pray for Bren.  She's fighting with everything she has only to be rewarded with a rare moment of clarity now and then.  She's exhausted and my heart stays in my throat constantly out of fear and out of pain for my little girl.

I have been working with a brilliant expert who is helping me turn this journey, with our most recent relapse, into a book.

So stay tuned.  And my only prayer is that other children and parents find our journey a valuable resource and support!

Much love to all my OCD moms and dads out there and to the beautiful children that make our lives more focused on what matters!