Thursday, June 16, 2011


Okay, so the end of the school year sucks. It is constant going and coming and parents are stretched thin trying to balance one event after another. BUT...I finally have time to sit down and catch you up...before I head out to my son's 5th grade graduation dance. *see what I mean*

Bren has seen the psychiatrist twice now and things are good. No, I guess I can allow myself to say things are GREAT. I always under report so that I don't get too excited and then fall so hard when something does happen. Bren is making great strides. Do we have a day here and there? Yes, there isn't a fast and easy cure. But those days are fewer and farther between than before.

Why? Partly because so many of you prayed and fasted for Bren, and partly because Bren and her doctor are a perfect match. Paula just knows everything to say to help Bren open up. And boy did she open up! She said things that I had NO idea she was thinking and feeling. And as a mother, hearing her inner most fears, my heart wrenched unlike anything I'd ever felt before. She knows the fears are in her head and impossible, but they still feel real. And because they aren't real, I can't fix them, I can't take them away, and I can't save her from them, and quite frankly that is a really helpless place to be as a mother. But even more, that is a terrible thing to feel as a beautiful and intelligent, and wonderful little girl.

Progress is a good thing. And we'll keep trudging through this until we save our daughter, and Bren controls her life rather than her brain and thoughts controlling her. This is about Bren reclaiming the life she's my job to get her there.


  1. Thats so great that she is doing so well. I am so happy for you, Sending good thoughts your way...Unfortunatly mackenzie seems to be sliding backwards these days :(. Lots of thoughts, trouble sleeping and lately I am noticing she is afraid of germs which is new for her. We were at a picnic and someone spilled a drop of soda on her foot and I thought we were going to have to leave. The doc wants to wait to adjust meds to see if maybe it is end of school year anxiety but i am not hopeful...we have a family vacation planned in 3 weeks to Hershey and I am wondering if it will be a disaster. Praying very hard that this is a temporary relapse and not the start of a downward spiral.

  2. I am hoping and praying for you! Keep me posted for sure. Hopefully it was just a momentary thing and she and you both can enjoy your vacation and make wonderful memories! Summer seems to really be good for Bren, so hers is definitely stress related. Which scares me for 8th grade. :(
